GirlPowR Inc. urges you to take action and make a positive impact in a girl's life by donating to our organization. This is not just about one girl or GIRLPowR, this is about a movement. It's a movement about Girls Independent Right to Learn. By investing in a girl's education, girls will be given the chance to realize their full human rights and contribute to the very fabric of our society, reaping the benefits of economic, social and political development (US Agency for International Development). There is no greater gift than the gift of an education. No amount is an insignificant amount.
​For girls attending primary and secondary school in developing countries, $50 will provide a new backpack, school supplies and hygiene products for one girl. Just $111 sends a girl to school for one year and includes a new, full 7-piece school uniform, including shoes, backpack, plus $50 educational fund. With $300 we can purchase a laptop for many girls to utilize at school. In the United States, a $75 contribution covers costs of a local GIRLPowR girls summer camp and field trip for one girl - you have the power to leave a positive impact on a girl by helping her realize her full potential through leadership development, self-reflection and local field trips.

*If online giving is not your cup of tea, you may write a check payable to GirlPowR Inc. and mail to GirlPowR Inc, P.O. Box 57576, Lincoln, NE 68505. Thank you!